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Fr. John Hanic
6 days ago2 min read
A Letter from Father John and Bishop Martin
To all our parishioners and to anyone who may come across these words, I offer a message of hope, peace, and love. Our Bishop Michael’s...
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St John Baptist de LaSalle
Jul 17, 20242 min read
A statement from our Bishop
St John Baptist de LaSalle and Saint Stephen Parish, Fr. John, Fr. Joe, Sr. Janis, and Dcn. Harold ask that you join with us in prayer...
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Fr. John Hanic
Mar 31, 20231 min read
Diocesan Support Appeal / "To Serve is to Love"
Dear Parishioners, The Diocesan Support Appeal for 2023 has a meaningful theme of "To Serve is to Love." This theme encourages us to...
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Fr. John Hanic
Mar 4, 20231 min read
Diocesan Support Appeal
Dear Parishioners, the theme of the Diocesan support appeal is "to serve is love," which calls us to help others with charity and...
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Fr. John Hanic
Oct 26, 20221 min read
Please remember to vote Nov 8th!
I'm a firm believer that hate and privilege have no place in an election. We must approach it with empathy and a sense of inclusion.
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Fr. John Hanic
Aug 5, 20222 min read
First post and my Bio
Here's a little about me: My name is Fr John David Hanic, and I hail from Monson, Massachusetts. I have served as a priest in the...
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