Here's a little about me:
My name is Fr John David Hanic, and I hail from Monson, Massachusetts. I have served as a priest in the Charlotte diocese for thirty-nine years. I completed my academics with a double degree in arts and history at Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell, CT. I was ordained by Bishop Begley at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Charlotte on June 4, 1983. My first assignment was at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Winston-Salem. I loved being with the families and visiting the school children. The Sisters of St. Joseph were a great support to me in my first years as a priest and have continued to be through the years. For the last twenty years, I have served as Pastor of St. John Baptist de LaSalle Catholic Church in North Wilkesboro, North Carolina and St Stephen Catholic church in Elkin, NC. I have two adult children, Johnathon and Jennifer: and I'm the grateful Grandfather to Matthew, Cameron, and Millie.
I have had the opportunity to work in variety of parishes in my life and I've totally loved every assignment I've had, some as short as six months and some as long as twelve years. In the last thirty-nine years, I've never accepted an assignment knowing all that would be expected of me, and I've never left an assignment without a deep sense of gratitude for the blessing that assignment brought into my life. In my time as a priest, the greatest blessing, joy and privilege I've had is serving others and celebrating the sacraments with the people of God. There are two things I've learned over that past 39 years that I would like to share with you. One, this isn't my parish, it's our parish, two is that God really loves us-a lot! Check back each week to read any other information I feel the need to share.